Welcome and Industry Market Update
Date & Time
Monday, November 21, 2022, 1:00 PM - 1:25 PM
Steve Hall

The IT services industry has never been more vibrant. Enterprises are relying on IT service providers to help them grow, execute faster and reduce costs like never before. However, providers are under pressure. Competition is fierce as globalization levels the playing field. Talent is increasingly difficult to source, impacting project timelines. And wages are increasing for in-demand skills, putting pressure on both buyers and sellers of IT services.

In this keynote session, learn what's driving growth in our industry, key changes in services pricing and talent availability, and how changing enterprise buying patterns are re-shaping shaping the industry as we move into 2023.

Location Name
Victoria Suite
Full Address
Park Plaza Victoria London
239 Vauxhall Bridge Rd
London SW1V 1EQ
United Kingdom